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Оптимална диета с ДНК тест NGDiet от NutriGen
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Diet plan based on your genes

NGDietThe test may be useful to you if you have difficulty controlling your weight or want to get guidelines for building complete balanced diet, even if you have no problem in particular. The study optimizes the weight loss process by providing guidelines for nutritional and exercise regimen suitable for the individual genetic factors affecting metabolism, lipolysis and fat absorption.

NGDiet will give you the information you need to build a highly effective, personalized diet synchronized with your genome. The results will help you understand the influence of genetic factors and will provide you with important details about your body’s individual responses related to:

  • Weight gain predisposition;
  • Fat and carbohydrates absorption;
  • Food addiction and overeating tendencies;
  • Processing of various food groups and substances;
  • Need of physical exercise on a weekly basis;
  • Sleep mode influence on your weight;
  • Energy homeostasis.

Learn more:

  • Once the test is done the obtained results will be valid throughout your life.

    Obtaining a DNA sample is painless, doesn’t require taking blood and is completely safe procedure. It is done at home without the intervention of medical practitioner. All you have to do is rub the inside of your cheek with the sterile cotton swabs you will find in the test kit that you will receive when ordering a test.

    The results of the study will be completed within 4 to 6 weeks from the date of sample submission. You will receive e-mail informing you of the way you can access them. The cost of the study includes consultation with genetics practitioner trained in the reading of the results to help you understand your genetic potential in detail and identify specific ways for its realization.

  • Based on the results, individual recommendations are developed to help you:

    • Choose the most effective nutritional and physical regimen suited for your genetic profile;
    • Make optimal changes to your regimen to normalize your weight and maintain it as normal;
    • Control key factors related to your lifestyle (sleep, physical activity, nutritional supplements);
    • Save time and effort in finding the most workable solution for you;
    • Achieve long-term results excluding the negatives of the so-called yo-yo effect.
    • If you have problems controlling your weight and do not achieve the desired results with standard diets.
    • If you want to reduce the risk of developing diseases associated with metabolic disorders.
    • If you have a genetic predisposition to weight gain that can be altered by lifestyle changes.
    • If you are overweight and/or diagnosed with obesity, type II diabetes and other lifestyle-related conditions.
    • If you want to maintain good health and physical form, making the most of your genetic potential.
  • Genetic factors account for 40% to 80% of body weight differences.

    In recent years, scientists have reached a deeper level of understanding of the complex molecular processes driving the human body thanks to the Human Genome Project. One of the most important findings of this project regards the differences in individual responses to a diet that can now be explained at the genetic level. DNA variations have a serious effect on nutritional requirements, metabolic efficacy and person’s ability to lose and maintain healthy weight.

    Despite the overwhelming evidence of the role of genes in obesity, most of the currently available weight control programs focus mainly on dietary restrictions and active physical exercise. Following the universal weight-loss principles, these regimens do not take into account the individual responses to these interventions, which vary widely.

    If you fail to keep your weight at a normal rate, despite the efforts you make, the factors that deter you might be coded in your genome. Each person has an individual genetic profile that determines the optimal quantity and distribution of micro- and macro-nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, proteins) to the organism. In order to best answer your personal body needs, you have to know the effects of key genes that determine how metabolic processes are taking place.

    This can happen through NGDiet – a DNA test that analyzes key genes responsible for the intake and processing of nutrients.

  • Tested genes function

    • Absorption and metabolism;
    • Fat metabolism, obesity and satiety;
    • Regulation of metabolism and nutritional behavior;
    • Sensitivity to insulin and regulation of calorie intake;
    • Reaction to exercise;
    • Circadian rhythms;
    • Fat accumulation;
    • Inflammation;
    • Sensitivity to taste;
    • Addiction and overeating.

    Absorption and metabolism:

    • FABP2 – Affects Fat Absorption and metabolism.
    • PPARG – Participates in adipocyte differentiation. Fatty acid-activated transcription factor that is involved in the regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism.
    • ADRB2 – Participates in the energy metabolism of fat from fat cells in response to catecholamines.
    • APOA5 – plays important role in the regulation of plasma triglycerides.
    • ADIPOQ – Associated with obesity and poor appearance of this gene may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome.

    Fat metabolism, obesity and satiety:

    • APOA2 – Apolipoprotein, common among High Density lipoproteins (HDL). Plays complex role in the metabolism of lipoproteins, insulin resistance, and atherosclerosis.

    Energy homeostasis:

    • UCP (UCP1 -3826; UCP2 -866; UCP3 -55) – The UCP gene and its variants belong to the family of mitochondrial transport proteins that play important role in energy homeostasis.

    Regulation of metabolism and nutritional behavior:

    • MC4R – Strong candidate gene associated with obesity that regulates the intake and consumption of energy.

    Sensitivity to insulin and regulation of calorie intake:

    • FTO – Regulates the sensation of agitation, appetite, temperature, autonomic function and endocrine system.
    • TCF7L2 – Regulates blood glucose homeostasis, affecting insulin secretion and sensitivity.

    Reaction to exercise:

    • ADBR3 – Takes part in the regulation of lipolysis that affects metabolism.

    Circadian rhythms:

    • CLOCK – Extremely important regulator of the human biological clock involved in metabolic regulation.

    Fat accumulation:

    • PLIN – Affects obesity caused by diet.


    • TNF-α – Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) is an inflammatory cytokine secreted by macrophages and adipocytes that alters whole body glucose homeostasis and is associated with obesity, obesity-related insulin resistance and dyslipidemia.

    Sensitivity to carbohydrates and nutritional behavior:

    • TAS1R2 – Believed to contribute to variation among individuals in terms of sugar consumption.
    • SLC2A2 (GLUT2) – Influences the first step in glucose secretion of insulin and participates in the intake and regulation of food.
    • DRD2 – Believed that dopamine chains in the middle brain share play an important role in dependencies and normal nutritional behavior as they are involved in the treatment of stimuli, in particular dopaminergic signaling by dopamine receptor 2 (DRD2).
  • Upon request of 3 or 4 genetic tests for the same person, you have the opportunity to get 20% discount on the price. The condition of discount is related to the technological process in genetic testing – part of the process is done only once, instead of several times. If you would like to take advantage of this option, please contact us before ordering.

    Family Package – when ordering a minimum of 3 tests for three separate family members, you have the option of 10% discount. If you would like to take advantage of this option, please contact us before ordering.


*The results of the study are currently available in English only.

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